No single company can do everything. We understand that.
Symbility strives to make the claims process as efficient as possible and we understand that this requires making great software partners with specific product focuses available to you. That’s why we have over 50 ready-to-go integrations with industry leading technology partners that work smoothly and easily with Symbility’s system to ensure you have everything you need in one place for your claims workflow.
Featured Partners

Commercial Express is a commercial risk assessment and valuation platform that offers comprehensive commercial building valuations as well as a more valid, complete view of commercial property risk.
With a combination of building and contents replacement cost estimates, aerial imagery, natural hazard data and insight to overall business health, insurers can underwrite and manage commercial risk with a much greater level of confidence.
Symbility is integrated with Commercial Express allowing the adjuster to have valuation data accessible within Symbility and allowing valuation data to flow between both systems.
Learn MoreQuickly and easily verify the maximum hail size both at the location and in the surrounding area.
Based on CoreLogic hail verification model, each Hail Verification Report contains the dates and sizes of hail for each hailstorm since 2009 at the location of interest and within 1, 3, and 10 miles.
Symbility is integrated with Weather Verification services allowing Symbility to fetch recent and historical hail events and attach the data to claims.
Learn MoreCoreLogic Residential Component Technology™ (RCT) Express enables you to calculate reliable replacement values for any home.
RCT underwriting technology accomplishes this by relying on our proven “total-component” methodology. This method calculates risk-specific reconstruction costs for each home using interior and exterior home characteristics, ensuring each home is properly insured to value.
Symbility is integrated with RCT Express allowing the adjuster to have valuation data accessible within Symbility and allowing valuation data to flow between both systems.
Learn MoreThe SkyMeasure ROOF report connects contractors, adjusters, insurers, and homeowners to make roof measurements fast and easy.
SkyMeasure’s powerful roof measurement system expertly determines the precise dimensions of a roof. Utilizing state-of-the-art advanced aerial imagery technology to calculate a roof’s area, pitch, and measurements, SkyMeasure produces the entire report without the need for anyone to climb on a roof.
Symbility is integrated with SkyMeasure services allowing SkyMeasure ROOF orders to be submitted directly from Symbility and ROOF reports to be automatically transferred to Symbility when completed.
Learn MoreEagleView Technologies is the industry leader for 3D aerial measurement services & reports.
Aerial images of the structure are pulled, measured, and reviewed by expert technicians and a final report is generated. EagleView reports come in a wide variety of options to fit any need or budget, and can be compiled for any residential or commercial structure.
Symbility has an interface with EagleView services allowing EagleView roofplan orders to be submitted directly from Symbility and EagleView reports and full 3D drawings automatically transferred to Symbility when completed.
Learn MoreEnservio, Inc. is a provider of contents inventory, valuation, and payment services that allow property insurers to price policies correctly upfront and settle contents claims quickly and accurately.
Enservio’s ContentsExpress™ application and its rich contents database of over 8 million retail products is integrated with Symbility’s robust suite of collaborative cloud-based claims solutions ContentsExpress enables adjusters to collect and review insured inventories, receipts, and photos, adjust contents estimates, and issue contents settlement reports. Adjusters get immediate access to pricing data on millions of consumer items to arrive at the most accurate valuations possible, driving an optimal settlement experience which improves customer loyalty.
Learn MoreSymbility Claims Connect® have a Ready for Guidewire accelerator. With this accelerator, insurers looking to integrate Guidewire ClaimCenter® with Symbility Claims Connect® can do so in less time and at a reduced cost.
The accelerator gives Guidewire customers the ability to push claims, either automatically or manually, from ClaimCenter to Claims Connect, and receive updates in ClaimCenter, reducing adjuster workload.
Learn MoreHOVER transforms smartphone photos of any property into an accurate, interactive 3D model.
It also provides line lengths and surface area measurements for roof, siding, windows, doors and more.
Photos can be taken by adjusters, agents, contractors, or even the policyholders themselves. The flexibility reduces cycle time and complexity. It has unlimited coverage and can be used in locations where aerial or satellite images are not available. It provides accurate and up to date photos of the exterior of the home with the damages. These photos are used to document the claim.
HOVER produces a measurement report, photos and 3D model that can be imported automatically into Claims Connect.
Learn MoreITEL gives adjusters, contractors, and policyholders a fair, fast, and accurate way to settle flooring, roofing, and siding claims via an economical, unbiased and independent analysis of damaged materials.
ITEL provides accurate matches to repair or replace damaged material and locates distributors for matching products.
Symbility has integrated ITEL to deliver the benefit of ITEL’s extensive database and matching system for finding products of Like Kind and Quality and determining accurate pricing. ITEL reports are requested and delivered directly within Mobile Claims.
Learn MoreSymbility Mobile Claims supports Leica DISTO™ models from Leica Geosystems. With this laser distance meters adjusters can directly transfer measuring data right into a diagrams via Bluetooth 4.0 technology.
National Flood Services (NFS) is one of the top administrators for insurance carriers participating in the National Flood Insurance Program.
The integration of Claims Connect with NFS enables Symbility customers to communicate claim documentation more efficiently with the NFS program. With the integration with Claims Connect, all claim data from a flood claim—including NFIP forms, estimates, photos and other claim artifacts—can be electronically passed to the NFS system. This eliminates the need for Symbility customers to send this information via manual electronic processes such as e-faxing and or attaching reports to an email.
Learn MoreSymbility’s Video Connect powered by SightCall is a virtual collaboration solution that gives authorized participants access to video captured live at the loss location.
Its specialized features allow users to accurately capture property details, visually and virtually document them, and quickly process the claim. SightCall makes it easy to have a video call with almost any individual at the loss location using their mobile device to show remote participants the damage live, capturing a clear understanding and reporting the insights directly in the claim workflow.
Learn MoreWeGoLook provides access to a network of over 45,000 on-demand field service resources. By dispatching a “Looker,” claims handlers and adjusters are able to obtain claims data, photos, videos and measurements, anytime, anywhere, in a matter of hours for an economical rate.
Direct integration with Symbility provides carrier clients access WGL’s network of on-demand resources, called “Lookers,” directly within Claims Connect. Information obtained by Lookers can then be used to perform damage and liability triage or desk-adjusting for low- to mid-complexity claims, reducing resourcing costs and turnaround times. The information is delivered directly back into the Symbility platform within hours or days instead of weeks, allowing adjusters to focus on adjusting – increasing productivity and decreasing time to settlement.
With unmatched rural coverage and urban density, WeGoLook’s ability to scale quickly ensures its customers’ operations are able to handle any event.
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